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Monday, February 24, 2003

So horribly bored tonight. Waiting to check out My Big Fat Greek Life premiere on TV.

Yesterday ws great. Spent most of it with Sandy and chateau de Harrison. Eating, chatting, caffiene-charging - not necessarily in that order. Ended the day covering myself with animals at Sandy & Chaz place. Young children and furry animals dig me.

Tomorrow the doctor looks at the arm again and Thursday I get to find out if I have a legitimate complaint or if I'm just a bit of a hypochodriac. I just want to know what's up.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Went to see Keith and the Satellites at the EARL. The evening ended up being like a highschool reunion. Chaz said he never saw so many people he thought were dead. The show as wonderfully fun. Many many hugs and kisses from old rockers I know and haven't seen in years. Little Sister got really tipsy in her black dress, twirling about on an unsteady axis. LL was there but looking kinda beat - I'm sure she had a long wifey weekend - hardly recognized her at first. Then again I see her rarely and her hair changes every time.

It was so incredibly smokey in the place I spent all of the next day recovering, my eyes and throat still burning even though I showered as soon as I got in. Now I remember why I don't go to bars much.

Today I'll be getting together with girlfriends and getting moral adjustments. Should be a very good day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Went to the doctor today and once again showed him the arm, which seems to have gotten worse recently. This time he took notice, asked me how long I've notice the changes, and brought in his older partner to look at it as well. Then they both scratched their heads and admitted something odd was happening but they didn't have a clue what it could be.

Last night my place smelled like cooked meat again. I knocked on the downstairs neighbor's door and begged him to open a window and the kitchen door when he cooked to keep the steam and smoke from building up inside the window. I don't see how he can stand it. The inside of his kitchen is as pungent as smelling salts. He's feeling persecuted by me now, according to Donna. So I came back with roses for the dinner he was preparing as a small offering of goodwill. He still didn't vent his kitchen. I still phoned his landlord to try to ask her to fix his vents.

For the Buford Highway restaurant crawl last we night we backtracked a bit. Because the two who will not eat raw fish were absent, we went to Toyo Taya buffet. Left with a belly full of fish and a bit a sake. Yum.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

It's been a day of recovery and falling woefully behind schedule on everything I've done. Still, it hasn't been a bad day. In fact, it's been pretty good. I spent the morning with Aziz and Lisa having coffee & leftovers, cleaning up after the party last night. I was up quite late and then woke up, as usual, with the sun around 9 a.m.

Did a massive laundry run to clean large things - my bathrugs, my comforter and blankets, in an effort to deodorize things. Something smells burnt now. Is it my bedroom or did I sit too close to one of the several dozen tealights burning last night? With all the horrible cooking smells seeping into my bedroom from the apartment downstairs, it's hard to determine the source of anything now. I want a sweet smelling home again.

Tried to take a nap late in the day after the Laundry Lounge, but wasn't too successfull. Laid in a semi-coma doze for a couple of hours and then got up to get ready and go to Eyedrum to see Clark and Nathan's performance. Afterwards, ended up going to a wonderful warehouse art show just down the street. Mostly student work but a big show in a large space. Big crowd of beautiful creative people and their work. Several video installations, painting, sculpture, photography and live music. Felt very fortunate to have stumbled upon it by virtue of running into friends at Eyedrum who stay informed.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

To day was spend mostly plotting and scheming with a small pack of pedestrian wolves. Should be fun this weekend - and the plans laid should create a busy week for me.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

It's wet and cold tonight. Not so much icey temperatures as that damp sorta chill that seeps into the bones nearly to the marrow. Nothing seems to be warming.

Maybe I need a cozy fire and a warm man. Maybe I need more blood in my veins.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Find exactly the wrong thing to say at the wrong moment and it will come out of my mouth. And there is no way to rip the words back out of the air once they've escaped.
