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Sunday, March 09, 2008

this and that

We made it out for the first time in quite a while to UglyFish's birthday party at Thinking Man's Tavern , which had a huge group of friends and family of Mrs. Pyynk to show up. It was great to see a lot of people I had not been around for a while.

Today's, point of interest is that there is still a large pool of water in front of our house that is coming from the house next door. Looks like a broken pipe underground somewhere is the cause. I hope the moat across the driveway does not freeze overnight. That would make the morning a bigger than usual bother.

I need to visit my mother sometime soon. She's been a bit depressed lately and I haven't been to visit in a while. I need to come up with an agenda for a Sunday soon to do something with her - maybe check out a mall shop near her or go out to eat.

And now, I must get out of this house and take advantage of the remains of this clear sunny day.

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