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Friday, October 24, 2008

digging into the pocketses for kitty love

Monster had made arrangements at the vet for me to bring Ms. Doris Cat for a day of observation. As I dropped her off, they said she's also scheduled for a chest x-ray today. All this to find out why she has the long-existing hacking cough. I think it's a combination of her constant OCD-level grooming and allergies. She also needs teeth-cleaning and I wondered if I should have asked about that when they said chest x-ray. I assume she'll have to be anesthetised for the x-ray and it seems like they could do both while they've got her down, but I decided to let her have one medical trauma at a time.

Tonight - I'll probably try to catch up on sleep again unless I have a last-minute social invitation to join in. Not in the mood to go it alone with wet weather and slightly chilly temperatures.

Tomorrow will be spent running errands that include grocery buying and cooking something to bring to a potluck dinner saturday night. I'm thinking about making pumpkin stew and bringing coffee cups to serve it in.

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