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Monday, July 06, 2009

Independence Day Weekend

Friday, we had a day trip in my car to hunt for treasures in Chattanooga. Came back empty handed, except for some boiled peanuts and fresh peaches in the cooler. Still, a day out of town taking in the summer.

Potentially quite a positive change:
Saturday afternoon, we started clearing out the garage at el rancho for potential studio and workshop space. There is a trip to the thrift or a yard sale necessary in the near future.
put in a post on some our stuff we'd like someone to take off our hands. At one point, someone lost their grip on a box we were hoisting up that fell back on my face, giving me a tiny but quite visible by day abrasion from my eye to chin. Quite fetching.

Quite fun:
Saturday night, we met
, and other friends for a good dinner at 5 Seasons at the Prado, followed by the new Transformers movie.

Like a horror film:
The mosquitos have been out in incredible swarms all weekend and, I swear, between them and all the spiders in the garage, we both have a lot of horrible itchy bites to heal over the next week. I've been coughing all weekend from the dust inhaled as well. Really should have worn a mask, if I'd had one - or even a bandana would have helped a lot.

I spent all of Sunday being unexplainably tired and drowsy. Really couldn't stay conscious all day. Every time my eyes shut, dreams would come. I napped off and on most of the day, turned in early, and woke up this morning only as MonsterMustDie was leaving for work.

Mystery solved:
Today, Mother Natured called and told me why I was so phenomenally depleted on Sunday.

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