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Monday, March 01, 2010

more awkward moments with the folks next door

My next door neighbor needs to keep a closer watch on his dog.

There is a rouge pitbull in our neighborhood killing pet cats in people's yards. A couple of neighbors have found their cats, in their own yards, dead and saliva covered like chew toys. A few other neighbors have seen loose pitbulls in the neighborhood and these are probably the culprits in this case.

The young couple next door seems to have now clue about leash laws. Or he does not seem to know. When their half-grown puppy came bounding into my front yard, as it does occasionally, we always have these wonderfully awkward moments where she is chasing it frantically to get it back into their house or yard.

I know their dog lives in a peaceful household side-by-side with cats and ferrets and would never hurt another pet or person. But our neighbors are under loose dog alert and I fear that if it gets out again and goes beyond my yard, Animal Control will be called and their pup will end up at the pound, probably to be put down in a short amount of time.

So this morning while I'm still in my robe and slippers, when I saw her romping outside with no humans frantically chasing after her, I had to go outside and wrangle her back to their front door. Two guys were just lounging in the front room when I had to ring the doorbell twice. Neighbor guy opened the door to see the strange lady next door (me) hanging onto the dog's collar. One of the guys had been playing with the dog outside and had just left her out without thinking about things like the lack of an enclosed backyard or local leash laws.

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