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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

feels like Autumn tonight

Yesterday was rainy, which is good. We have been in a deficit here for a while. It was incredibly foggy in the morning and stayed overcast with a spotty drizzle coming down all day. At the end of the work day, I actually had a bit to do with finishing and collating a large print job - another improvement of my week. Once I got home, I made dinner of some vegetables that were lingering in the fridge along with some fresh rotisserie chicken that happened to be on sale. MonsterMustDie and I finished the evening watching Nightmare Before Christmas.

That was just enough distraction for me to forget to phone Jen about our weekend plans and let Mad know I got the print she sent me. I sent a text message this morning on the print and I'll have to remember to call to firm up the weekend tonight.

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