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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Finally, we got the shower repaired, the pipe was snapped inside of the showerhead as if someone had tried to support themselves with it (maybe slipping in the shower?) but it wasn't easy. The renter was out of town and no one would answer the door. Monster opened the door with the key to let the plumbers in and stayed them until they could determine what was needed in materials, which he fetched from Home Depot with my credit card. He got back and both of the plumbers were sitting outside waiting on him. There was a woman sleeping in the kitchen who came out and told them to leave because she wanted to sleep. Monster told her that they were staying and fixing the shower. We had no idea who this person was. Turns out it was the mother of a friend of our renter who was also staying there while he was out of town.

I made an angry phone call to my next door neighbor, who the renter was traveling with.

After Monster's return and dealing with the woman, the guys finished the job, which I hope was the source of the leak and will put everything to rest.

I want to remove this renter, repair, clean up, and remodel the condo, and find a better quality renter for the place. I'm over having bachelors in my place. I'd love to have a nice, professional single woman living there.

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