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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

communication restored

Got my new cell phone in the mail from T-Mobile yesterday. They sent me the phone in "Heather Grape" rather than the "Purple" body I ordered but rather than wait for an exchange, I decided to accept this one. It's not as fun (vibrant) a color but as long as it's not pastel I'm okay with a more grown-up (muted) look.

Looking forward to eating Northern Indian food with friends tonight.

Vinophiles group is carrying on with their July meeting after all this Friday. Someone has volunteered their home in the final hour and the theme for this hot summer month is (not wine) Pale Ale. At the risk of sound too full of ourselves, I can't help but think MonsterMustDie had some influence in the decision for this month's theme. We hosted last month's meeting and while I joined in sampling several Oregon Pinot Gris brought by members, he sipped on his favorite brew and proclaimed the joys and variations and subtle differences in beers with his love of hoppy IPA's. Coincidence?

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