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Monday, July 07, 2008

Post-Holiday Pause

It is a painfully slow day at work. No pressman is in today and the phones are still mostly silent from the holiday. I took my car in for routine maintentance this morning so I don't have the option of taking a long lunch to break up the day. Boss is busy catching up on paperwork and billing, so I believe his day isn't quite so monotonous.

I finally invested in a new camera this week. Still haven't taken the plunge for the flash and other additions for it but those can wait until I learn to use the camera well enough and have the lens and body paid off. Part of learning the camera is figuring out how to work around and through so many automated features and settings. Anyway, I should posting much better photos online soon, with much more prompt turnaround.

Other than the silece at work, I've had an active week.

Wednesday, I met Monster and his friends after work at the Bone Garden Cantina to celebrate Sam and Theresa's birthdays.

Thursday, I ended up unexpectedly in East Atlanta for the evening, which was probably much less expensive than my initial target of making it to a party at Trader Vic's that night. What started out as a quick stop before heading out to the birthday party for Rob (where my presence would have probably been lost as another face in the tiki-cocktail sipping crowd) ended up as an all night walk around the village with friends I haven't seen enough of lately.

Friday, July 4th, Monster and I went to a two-grill party at Daniel and Sam's house.

Saturday, Monster actually committed to going out late and meeting the late-night pals for dinner at Ru San's, where he actually had nori rolls and a shot of sake, before going to see Hancock. We almost had him joining everyone at Cafe Intermezzo afterwards, but he was spent by then. I was very happy to enjoy an evening out without having to leave him at home in front of the TV.

Sunday was spent sleeping in late before going to brunch with the GothFather in the afternoon.

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