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Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's been a soggy week

Despite the daily rainfall, I'm planning to meet some of the Women's Night gals for Cocktails at the Garden. Of course, we have a plan B on where to go if the sky should fall when we plan to get together.

Meanwhile, I'm taking advantage of wet weather and planting new grass seed whenever I can. It's become a patchwork project around the house, weeding ivy sprouts and scattering grass seed, then covering the seed with straw. I'm sure there are much better ways to do this but I am not very garden and landscape savvy yet.

I've filled my calendar with a lot of social activity this week. Nearly every evening has been spent at a seminar or dinner with friends. That keeps the nearly non-existent amount of work and money I have from making me insane. Activity makes me happy. My professional and creative life are very unsatisfying now. I could really use something to give me a personal sense of accomplishment and worth.

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