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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Disney Overload

MonsterMustDie and I went to the Eyedrum Art Auction last night to take part in the fundraiser & rent party. Saw friends like Klimchak perform and took part in the silent auction. Actually won a couple of small items between us. I have a tiny Ashley Anderson watercolor of a coffeemaker and MonsterMustDie got the best thing - we now have a Steve Seaburg skeleton trellis.

First thing this morning, I sprang out of bed, showered and went to the VA Highlands for a fresh haircut. After getting a new 'do, I made it to the Morningside Farmers Market and brought home lovely fresh arrugula, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, etc.- ingredients to make some good late-summer salads at home.

Now that I finally have most of my software and hardware in or back on order, I spent a block of time earlier this afternoon installing new software and setting up the new computer and printer. Starting to feel more professional in here with the current tools available to me. This gives me a lot more to occupy myself with at home now too.

Then, cabin fever set in again and I went to IKEA and Sam Flax with MonsterMustDie to get a few organizational things for the office and buy frames for some new artwork at the house.

The rest of the evening has been Disney movies: Ponyo at the cinema. Then, upon getting home, housemate watched Pinochio on Disney channel and now he's watching Willy Wonka. Gotta hide in my room now... until the storm of cute is over.

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