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Thursday, September 30, 2010

sounds of silence

The most active part of today has been a visit from an appraiser to measure the house so our landlord can try to get a new cheaper mortgage payment.

Online, I'm getting a serious stress-induced headache reading emails from the latest battle taking place among unit owners at my condo. This time the war is over parking lot space and even my tenant, who does not own a car or drive, has been dragged into it.

No work today. I submitted some letters and resumes to a few more companies I found this morning. I had an appointment to attend two seminars today and tomorrow for a potential sales job with AT&T, but had a very bad gut feeling about it. Sales jobs have historically cost me money and/or not made any income for me in the past. An intervention by two people very close to me convinced me that NOT following that job lead was the right thing to do (or not to do) today. I can do a lot of things but I have no personality or social skills for sales. *sigh*

What to do? The house is clean. Nothing to maintain or repair (except the camera off in the oblivion of the service center in New York).

Maybe this is a good day to bake. The cooler weather always make the kitchen more inviting. I bought a skull-shaped cake pan that I haven't yet removed from the box. I was holding onto it as a potential gift for someone else, in the proverbial "gift closet" but maybe I'd feel better if I made some skull shaped pumpkin bread with it.

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