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Friday, May 27, 2011

Busy (at last)

The last two weeks have been blissfully busy. I went on a trip to Tulsa, to visit with Spike, Namek and Nate while making photos and talking about the new project Spike is working on with his son-in-law David. It was great to see everyone. Tulsa is a smaller city, it seems, with a much more depressed economy than Atlanta but it was very nice at the house everyone had converged at for the weekend. There was the dog vs skunk incident, in which everyone lost, on my last night there. The four dogs were roaming unleashed in the field at the end of the afternoon walk, when they saw a skunk and took off after it before anyone could stop them. Casualties were inevitable. One deceased skunk. One seriously injured dog that had to be taken to a veterinary clinic. The three other large dogs to bath twice. One sleepless night. Once I was home again, I could not wait to wash skunky laundry.

Sunday was a day of extruded meat products and heat. We went to Tunes From The Tombs at Oakland Cemetery to see friends play and lunch was Pallookaville corn dogs. We also had the pleasure of seeing Kurt, who was there from Athens, GA for the festival. Good music but punishingly hot. There were tents over the musicians but not place to hide from the sun for those attending except for a few trees. Sunday was one of the hottest days this far into summer, so I got a bit over-heated and dehydrated there. We chilled out with Sandy and the furry creatures at The Grassy Knoll for a couple of hours. On our way home, based on Chaz and Sandra's recommendation, we picked up dinner to go at Delia's Chicken Sausage stand. What we had was good, but they neglected to include any of their cheese sauce with the potato wedges (with cheese sauce included) that we ordered. This was a sadness because the beer-cheese sauce was one of the reasons we wanted to try Delia's food.

Once home this week, I got a great freelance gig for the week in midtown at a place I love. Wish me luck. They kept me on board all week. I go back on Tuesday. I had to check in at the revenant job only one night last week for a few hours. This new job is desperately needed and tremendously appreciated. Now, I just have to learn their corporate procedures and culture.

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