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Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday = Fail

At first, the week of my birthday was looking quite positive. Everything was shiney. I just started a new temp gig last week with a client who seems to like me a lot this week. The gig was predicted to last several weeks while updating and reformatting images for their online catalog. I had a full social and creative calendar for the weekend and money coming in.

By Wednesday, all of the work that was supposed to keep me occupied for three weeks instead of three days was completed. There was nothing more for me to do and everyone else at the office was scrounging around for busy work (this is one reason my project ended so fast - everyone jumped and edited different chapters). So, profusely apologizing while at least giving me a great review, they let me know I would not be needed by Thursday.

Thursday morning, I woke up sick and got worse as the day progressed. I stayed in bed all day with nausea and a migraine, among other things. Most of Friday was spent in bed too. The temp company had phoned to offer me another three-day gig Thursday, Friday, and Monday but there was no way I was going to be able to commit to it. As bad as I felt, I was right to think I would not be up to driving anywhere, much less working, or walking across the house out the front door.

Saturday morning I was well enough to take my car in for a routine maintenance appointment at the dealership. I asked them to check a noise that has been there forever and gradually has been getting worse. They called to say I need four new tires, due to uneven wear, and the axle must be replaced. They didn't have the part and would have to order it. At first they said the new axle could not be delivered until Tuesday but later said they could get it in Monday if I would leave my car there. Thus, all other plans I had for Saturday and Sunday were destroyed.

Today, I am waiting at home with no means of transportation for a call from the service center at the dealership on the status of my car. I don't really expect to hear back from them until Tuesday morning. I have no work coming in and I don't feel that I can schedule anything until I have wheels under me again so here I wait for the rest of the week.

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