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Thursday, May 14, 2020

a good night's sleep

In a moment of weakness, we agreed to a bit of risky behavior and met up with Karen and Bob at their house in Greensboro to hang out by their backyard fire and eat pizza. We ended up sitting inside to eat, which was a bit uncomfortably close for social distancing but we did our best. Then we sat outdoors for a long time talking about everything - politics, work, family, public behavior that Karen or MonsterMustDie had observed when they were out running errands. We tried to avoid stress-inducing topics of conversation like politics but they inevitably crept in for brief moments. MonsterMustDie scolded me afterwards for taking too big a risk by breaking rules on social distancing. I couldn't disagree with him but, for whatever reason, I slept better than I've slept for a long time last night. It was my first good solid sleep in a while. I really think it was from the stimulation of having other human beings to talk to and activities to participate in. I hope I don't end up regretting the trip outside but it made me happy.

We've been doing these small cheats on a regular basis and they have both tested negative for virus antibodies. We have been entirely to ourselves except for MonsterMustDie's regular trips to Phil's to work in the garage. He's also starting to go out treasure-hunting again and I can't prevent him from going out on a regular basis for those two activities.

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