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Monday, October 13, 2003

More Questions, Some Hope

This is the latest on my family and my father's health.

Dear friends - J and I have just returned from the Cancer Center. We don't have a lot to tell other than they are sending us to the Cancer Institute in Houston, Texas where the most work is being done on Mesothelioma. All of his tests will be done again there with more CT scans and a positive diagnosis made and the most agressive method of treatment. We may have to go back there for treatments or they may be done in Atlanta, but they say it is treatable and that gives me some hope. It appears to be only l lung affected as far as they can see so this is good also.

We should be leaving for Houston sometime in the next 2 weeks. They will be contacting us tonight or tomorrow as to when they want us there. I feel some relief tonight just knowing there may be some way to treat this. The doctor said he had one patient that was diagnosed a year and a half ago and he is doing fine right now. I will try to keep you more informed as we know more.

L and J

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