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Friday, June 22, 2007

still house-hunting

We didn't take the house near the Gothfather after all. I was concerned as to whether a house that age had grounded outlets or the ability to switch to new outlets inexpensively. Monster wanted to decorate and replace lighting fixtures, etc. The response from the owner was negative to both.

Meanwhile, a friend-realtor had pointed us to a mid-century modern ranch in Monster's beloved Northcrest neighborhood.
Monster emailed the first house owner to say thanks but no thanks.

Then we found out the 50's Ranch was already leased, pending credit checks, to someone else.

The search continues.

We still are doing drive-by's without stopping to take numbers on houses that are not attractive enough from the outside to someone who refuses to live in a building with siding or a hump of dirt in the front yard.

Soon we'll run out of time. Then, maybe, we'll find a place.

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