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Thursday, November 29, 2007

down in flames again, rising up from the ashes

Just when we thought we were making our way out of the woods, Monster had a relapse on Wednesday. I was almost to work when he phoned, losing his ability to speak, and came back home as quickly as possible to take him into the emergency room at Northside. He was going in and out of TIA's.
First, the CAT scan.
Then, the MRI, which showed the artery had become more disected than before.
Then, and arteriogram to get a better look at the damage. This was also to give everyone something to judge by in deciding whether to continue the drugs and hope for the best (that his body would heal on its own) or whether to attempt putting a stent in the artery to keep it open.

The arteriogram showed the artery becoming more damaged than anyone imagined - and an aneurysm on the artery now. That left no question but to go ahead with surgery to try to repair things with the stent.
They called in a specialist who was highly recommended and esteemed by his doctor. On his off day, he came in still wearing his gym clothes and apologizing for his appearance while I was incredibly happy to see him there so soon. The surgery went well despite some complications: They had to bring in some equipment from St. Joseph across the street and the stent of the right size had to come in from Rockdale.
He came through his surgery very well and his doctors have once again given him a good prognosis.

He's still in ICU at Northside hospital and intensely bored. That floor bans cell phones and wifi so there's no need for me to bring his phone to him.
He's not quite 100% back yet but he looks much better today than yesterday and continues to return to himself.
We're hoping for him to be transferred to a private room tomorrow or Saturday. John is, of course, hoping to come home by Saturday but I'm not expecting him to be released that soon.

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