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Friday, October 09, 2009

Feeling defeated today but I'll get over it. Eventually.

A couple of weeks ago, I was freelancing at two printers located within 10 minutes drive from home. After either job, I'd go for in the required 1-2 hours a day at my old employer, who is still shutting down his business, to keep on the group insurance plan.
A couple of months ago, when I told him my mornings were going to be busy making ends meet at other places, he didn't bat an eye - and why should he? He's not busy enough to occupy me at his place and he shoos me out, when he's at work, if I am idle at my desk.
Then, about two weeks ago, he wanted a single job out in the morning (15 minutes work from process to plate) and called me all morning long trying to figure out how to pull up files, change type, and print. I eventually turned off my phone to stop answering questions at work and when I came in for that day it was no big deal. He left the job sitting on the table when he left to run the next day rather than that afternoon.

Neither of the companies I was working at have called me in or answered my calls and email since that day. It looks like both of those connections are dead now.

None of the places I've interviewed at have called again or responded to my follow-up emails and letters but those are separate matters. One was a very good interview at a place I'd like to be at but they did not have anything open at that time. I just need to stay in touch as best I can with them. The other is so far away that I would dread the commute nor do I think they would pay enough to make that commute justified.

At this point, I'd be happy to do anything just to keep myself occupied and my mind engaged.

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