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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Good and Bad

This weekend, we were able to visit with some friends from Madison, Wisconsin. D&H were visiting with their six-month-old son, MCP, who looks like a blonde version of his father. Two other friends are expecting babies now. Seems like something is in the water.
Someone comes into town, someone leaves town.
MonsterMustDie's aunt Mary, his mother's sister, passed on Monday. We will be heading to Alabama for the funeral on Thursday. She had been fading for many years from Alzheimer's, a disease his mother now has.

I got a call today for a job interview on Friday. This is the first interview I've been able to get in a long long time. If they offer me anything, I'm taking it. Good news is it appears to be a full-time position with full benefits. Bad news is it is Alpharetta (40 minute commute each way), with the hours being 7PM to 7AM. But it would be a job, nonetheless, and I'd be delighted to have a regular paycheck again.

The lastest good news is that MonsterMustDie has reported that he is feeling a lot more sensation in his side and hip that have been numb since the stroke. It seems like the nerves are waking up again, somehow. He continues to improve and recover from the event, even now.

The possibility of the 3rd shift job puts the idea of adopting a cat to an end. If I get this job, we will need to simplifly things a lot more around here so I can sleep and function as normally as possible. This will not be at all easy. I had a third shift job years ago, while in my thirties, that I could only take for a year... and it was the loneliest year of my life. That was a much shorter commute then, too.

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