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Monday, June 13, 2011

not much of a Monday

I slept in a bit later than usual this morning. I still get up with the sun regardless of how little or how much sleep I've had. The morning was spent just kinda puttering around the house before going to work at the revenant job for a very short while. The air conditioning has not been working there since Thursday and it was still not functioning today. I worked in a hot office in the cooler, front half of the building as long as I could stand it, all the while wondering how hot it has to be before the computers start dying. I think the machines are a lot tougher and less vulnerable to high temperatures than people think they are. I finished everything I could work on without more information or approvals and came home to lie on the floor in air conditioning.

Dinner was noodles and paste.

All of the electronics here have been flowing in and out of functioning today. The CD and DVD player keeps stalling and then refusing to see the disk in it. The internet connection keeps going down repeatedly. The only way I've found to fix either problem is to shut everything down and reboot by not only turning the devices off, but their respective power strips as well for a minute before starting things up again. I would almost suppost the router is dying but that does not explain the dysfunction with the TV and DVD player today - both music CDs and Blu-Ray DVDs repeatedly refuse to play or be ejected.

Tomorrow afternoon, the plan is to hang out with Kisa Bastet and look at kitties. Probably working on photo editing and website ideas as well. And, of course, getting back to the task of going back to school for a new, higher degree in for a larger set of skills and a piece of paper that looks better on my resume. Working toward a new Bachelors or Masters degree will be a very slow process since I don't really have the money for more than one or two classes at a time and I doubt I qualify for any sort of public funds - but, at least, I will doing something new.

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