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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just punch me in the arm.

Sometimes I really do need someone to join me or give me a big push. My motivation to do anything by myself seems to be at an all-time low. I have not stepped outside the house by myself at all this week, except for one party attended with MonsterMustDie and mutual friends and out to dinner with MonsterMustDie and neighbors. Between fatigue, hot flashes, and general low self esteem, I have talked myself out of doing everything. My attitude has been fully self-defeating. I have not stepped outside the house by myself at all this week, except for one party attended with MonsterMustDie and mutual friends and dinner with MonsterMustDie and neighbors. Between fatigue, hot flashes, and general low self esteem, I have talked myself out of doing everything this week. 


The prescription I got for my nose healed everything in just a few days. 

We both had some digestive problems after eating shrimp at one of my favorite Chinese restaurants last week. Not knowing MonsterMustDie had issues with the food as well, I thought it was a UTI because the at-home test came out very positive for leukocytes. I'm still on antibiotics for that but wondering if I should discontinue use of them now that I feel better and knowing my room mate had similar issues that seem to have cleared up on their own (I haven't asked for details). 


The prescription I got for my nose healed everything in just a few days. 

We both had some digestive problems after eating shrimp at one of my favorite Chinese restaurants last week. Not knowing MonsterMustDie had issues with the food as well, I thought it was a UTI because the at-home test came out very positive for leukocytes. I'm still on antibiotics for that but wondering if I should discontinue use of them now that I feel better and knowing my room mate had similar issues that seem to have cleared up on their own (I haven't asked for details). 

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