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Sunday, February 01, 2015

back problems

I've got a soar back again today. I don't know what's up with my constantly hurting my back this week. It was just starting to get better from whatever I did to it last Saturday and now I've messed myself up again, probably trying to help lift bookshelves yesterday before I was completely recovered.
Or maybe there is something completely different going on with my back. I did have a doctor at an urgent care clinic look at it and he said it was a muscular injury involving an area that is a common problem for people with scoliosis like myself.

Yesterday, we spent the earlier part of the day at various antique malls before going to IKEA to buy two more bookshelves. A lot of walking around was involved, like last weekend, but trying to wrestle the boxed shelves into the car might have caused me to over-extend something. The boxes weren't even THAT heavy but they were long and awkward and had to be puzzled into place.

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