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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

In Training For The Week Ahead

Every day, I set my alarm and try to be out of bed by 4:00 a.m. so that I can hopefully just jump out of bed, into my clothes, and out the door to make it to a minimum wage paying 5-day temp job that starts tomorrow. Every night I've been in bed by 8:00 p.m. but that appears to be just a bit too late because mornings are still almost impossible so I am moving bedtime down to 7:00 p.m. tonight.

Yesterday, I got an email regarding a retail job, that would be long term and a lot more desirable conditions (in a nice, air conditioned department store). They were inviting me to come in for an interview. When I responded back, there were three available times to come in for an interview - all of them are on the same day I start the job at the golf course that I wish I didn't have to take. That was the only day available to come in. Just my luck.

My mother is still in the hospital. I've been calling an leaving messages. Usually, if something is truly serious, I hear from my oldest Uncle, her younger brother, about how she is. Yesterday, she phoned me to say she was still in the hospital, not going home yet. She is on a lot of pain medication and not talking very clearly, so I was struggling to understand what she was saying. Something went wrong or a mistake was made and either her arm is broken or something inside her arm is broken. She said my sister-in-law freaked out yesterday when she was telling her about hallucinations she was having on the pain meds. If that is true, I don't think she will be going back home. I am waiting to hear more today about what is actually going on in Georgia. I ended up leaving a voice-mail for my uncle, asking him to phone me. I didn't get a call back from him or my sister-in-law yesterday. I will try to find out more today.

Once I start this 5-day job, I will be out of reach. The days are predicted to be long - at least 10 hours  - and cell phones are not allowed.

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