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Friday, August 06, 2004

Overslept. Broke. Too much Sake.

I over slept this morning. After having a really bad headache night before and taking and exedrinePM, I was laying in bed all comfortable and quiet and then I realized the sun was coming in - and it wasn't Saturday! The alarm was on but either I had managed to sleep completely through it or the thunderstorm last night knocked it out. Anyway I frantically got ready for work as quickly as possible and headed out. My boss was very cool about it, thankfully, and just thanked me for calling in while I was on my way there.

I didn't get a paycheck today. Apparently this is a company that pays bi-weekly so I am cash poor this week in a big way.

Went out with the boy next door and spent twice as much as I 'd budgeted for dinner. Jeepers! Those guys drink a lot of sake. Naturally, since the whole table was going in on it, I shared equally in what they ordered. I am a bit hazey tonight. The colors are not as brilliant as they usually are but its all warm and cozy here at least.

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