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Friday, February 16, 2007

I just saw the strangest car wreck on the way to work. Not directly - more from my peripheral vision ahead of me, so I'd make a lousy witness. The light was green and had been so for a while. This was clearly not a case of someone trying to make it through the intersection as the light changed - I see that all the time. One car ran though a red light, oblivious to oncoming traffic. Fortunately for both cars, it was at a 35 mph intersection. I don't now if anyone was injured, but I hope not. Clearly, neither car tried to put on brakes. They hit each other at full speed.

I'm already a bit paranoid any time I go past an light or stop sign where oncoming cars are visible that haven't come to a stop yet. This just reminds me it's okay to feel that way.

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