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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solstice 2008

Winter Solstice party was fun last night. A great group of people were here that we enjoy very much every time we see them. We had a smaller turnout than previous years, but really there were too many things going on within the same groups of people to expect as many. EAYC Gingerbread Trailer Park for one. SantaCon for another. And to some we live too far out of town now for them to come to our neck of the woods - a problem I have myself since moving here, that I'm too far away from the things I like.

We have a ton of home-made cookies that a friend brought and I never got around to putting out. I was bummed when I realized they weren't put out last night but it worked out for a sweet breakfast this morning, so I guess things shook out for the best.

To all who bowed out because of sniffles, etc., thanks for not sharing any possible diseases. Colds are killers in this household.

Today, I'm off to brunch at Diem with the usual suspects. Also need to find some hardware items while I'm out to hang some spiderplants that someone gave us last night. Theyr'e too much like grass to let the cat get near, and temperatures are going down into the 20's tonight.

And now, another cup of coffee and a peppermint sugar cookie.

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