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Thursday, September 01, 2011

anxious spirits

I'm feeling an inexplicable amount of stress this evening. Tomorrow should be a fun, busy day but I am very anxious about biting off more than I can chew or stepping into things that are not my forte, as if I have no right to do so. Can't quite put my finger on why I feel this way.

Also feeling like I can't do anything without f**king up. The housemate is not helping things, as he is on a heightened state of anxiety himself both from work and from someone on ebay who appears to be trying to scam him out of merchandise and money. He does not realize how irritating his behavior is tonight. So, we're like fire and gasoline tonight.

This would be a good time to drink if it weren't for the medications I'm on.
Must chill out tonight.

Speaking of medications, the thumb looks better today. Still hurts and is a bit discolored and swollen, but not so much now. I might just be on the mend.

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