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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Toothache

My housemate, who should know better (since his stroke) to put off seeing a doctor, has his toothache back this morning.

This is an ongoing problem he has put off for months. He knows he needs an extraction but he hasn't been in any hurry to have it done because: 1. He actually has several things lined up that he has put off too long while he did not have dental insurance for years like the root canal he just went through. 2. He does not seem to fully realize how much worse things can get when dental work is put off (like taking one bad tooth ruining the teeth on either side of it). 3. Although he has some money in the bank and (better still) a credit card, he thinks the insurance deductible is too high.

This makes me furious because: 1. I worry about how far he takes his health issues every time. 2. I am the one with the burden of caring for him WHEN he puts it off too long.

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