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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Driving, Searching

Interesting day on Thursday. Fortunately, their business is close to home. Went to the 9:00 AM job interview, finally, and nothing was ready for me when I got there. Everyone seemed too frantic at the office to deal with setting things up, so I took a few files home to work on, with the intention of bringing some samples back on Friday. Then, I headed out to lunch with Clark and Beth in Snellville. We had a few hours of very good conversation at their home filled with music, art, and a long-haired daschund named Joey - for Joey Ramone.

It was time to go when I got a desperate phone call from one of my neighbors. Her mother, who was house and baby sitting, had locked herself outside the house with their toddler. Their only extra key was at Rancho de Weremonster and the locksmith said it would be at least 2.5 hours before he could get to their place to let her mother in. So, for reasons of time and money, I needed to get the key to her. Problem was, the key was actually not at the house but in MonsterMustDie's car and he was busy with a corporate function all day and into the evening, so I had to drive downtown first to fetch the house key ASAP before coming home to give it to her mother. Drove down. Met MMD on the sidewalk outside and got the key. Drove home. Got mother and baby inside the house.

Then I discovered I had left my camera in Snellville.

Drove back to Beth and Clark's house to retrieve my camera. Finally got home again just before 9PM. Phoned my connection at the company I'd been at in the morning and we both agreed it would be better to try to get together Monday some time.

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