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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

It appears I am engaged.

Him: I don't want (groomsmen) to have to rent a tux for the wedding.
Me: Agreed. How about we ask them to just wear gray suits?
Him: I don't want to ask anyone to wear a specific color.
Me: Fine. Let's just have everyone wear jeans and a T-shirt that says "I'm with stupid." 
I was able to actually join MonsterMustDie on a business trip to Atlanta last week. I spent every day visiting friends and family while he worked for the Boutique.  We had dinner with my brother and sisnter-in-law at my favorite restaurant. We were in our cups a bit. MonsterMustDie said he would like to be married under the arbor he built in the community garden. Someone mentioned June weddings. I said if I was getting married, I'd prefer an autumn wedding. Brother & Sister-in-Law reminded me that they like to travel in November and will be out of the country again this November. I said October is a good month for a wedding - it's the month of my birthday and my favorite holiday, Halloween. MonsterMustDie said he would not be married on Halloween. I said I would not be married on my birthday. Thus, the week between would have to be the one to do such a thing, if we were ever going to do such a thing. Sister-in-law said, whether I like it or not, I am essentially already married (without any of the protections of law) because we've been together so long. Meanwhile, my brother is looking at this year's calendar on his phone and lets everyone know the saturday between my birthday and Halloween this year is October 22. The table agrees that October 22 will be the wedding day. 

This year. 
That's not much time to prepare or make real decisions on anything. The family is alerted. My friends are alerted.

I am hung over the next day. 

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