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Monday, November 24, 2008

post-weekend update

Good news: My mother came home on Saturday with the help of my Uncle Ron, her oldest brother. My brother brought home made soup to her that evening. Her best friend came by Sunday to walk the dogs and change her bandages for her. Both of my uncles have now brought a ton of food for her so she can rest as much as possible without going out or preparing anything to eat. She feels much better and says she is healing well.

Bad news: Over the weekend, I've developed what feels like an awful UTI.

Good news: Phoned the doctor on call, who in turned phoned in an antibiotics prescription for me at my local pharmacy, and the drugs seem to be working since I'm already feeling much better. Slept most of yesterday, after starting the drugs.

Need to drink a lot more water.

MonsterMustDie is arguing with me about my preference for bottled water when I feel bad. I swear I feel noticeably better when I avoid ever filtered tap water. He says it's all the same as tap water. I think not all bottled water is created equal. I have no idea what the element is that causes me so much trouble with tap water. Maybe it's chlorine. Maybe it's something specific to Georgia source water.

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