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Saturday, September 05, 2009


We visited DragonCon this morning. We had a horrible parking space but made it there in plenty of time for the parade. I photographed the parade. I was able to find a clear spot with lots of sidewalk space because it was across the street from the angry man with the bloody posters yelling maniacal Christian curses at everyone - no one wanted to be in earshot of him if they could help it. I have the ability to mostly tune people like that out as long as they're not invading my personal space or touching me physically, so I don't care.

Then we met up with Drew and went up to the 11th floor to the room and said hello and visited with the serious DC-ers. Saw Kook and Kookling before the parade. We took Drew out to Six Feet Under, where we met up with Fez for lunch.

Now, MonsterMustDie is napping and digesting.

Tonight we're looking forward to dinner with Kisa Bastet and Mr. Foster and Pyynk & Kel.

Really missing Alekto , and Mr. & Mrs. PitbullPotPie.

Signed on to host Vinophiles in October, the night before my birthday - red wine theme will be Zinfandel.

Had a great dinner at Hsu's with Kisa Bastet , Dezlock, Justicefire, The Prom Dates, MonsterMustDie . The duck dumplings were great. The vegetarian cabbage rolls are smokey and so rich tasting you forget they're veggie. The ginger martini is absolutely delicious. The service is, as always, flawless.

Texted Alekto while at the grocery on the way home. Found a great $40 bottle of one of my favorite wines for under $15. Woo hoo!

Back home in jammies, taking care of the old Dutch man now.

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