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Monday, September 21, 2009

Seems like we just can't get ahead.

Woke up at an hour ago, around 3:45 a.m. with water dripping on me in bed. Water was dripping squarely in the middle of the bed, which is now shoved as far over as possible to one side of the bedroom. Water is also dripping in my closet, so all of my clothes are also shoved as far over as possible. Water is also dripping in my office on the side of the room I've already moved everything away from to avoid leaks that have been off and on since we moved here.

There is also roach poop from the ceiling everywhere upstairs.

There are also large centipedes that show up downstairs and, for the first time tonight, upstairs in the hallway - they are no doubt trying to avoid drowning.

We should not have signed a lease for another year, but moving takes a lot time and money and labor. It also involves finding what would be a better, even if much smaller, affordable space that does not increase our commutes to work significantly - especially with MonsterMustDie's car ready to die at any day now.

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