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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Life at Casa de WereMonster

MonsterMustDie has cut/killed all the phone outlets in the house except for the ugly, outdated one in the kitchen that is not close enough to an electrical outlet to attach a new cordless phone base to.

We now have no hardwired phone connection to the house, even though he pays for a phone line in his ISO-Cable communications package, by his choice.

I think this is both incredibly stupid and annoying. It remove any easy option I have for sending faxes or putting an auxiliary cell phone in the basement or the back porch that could be an emergency (locked out of the house, etc.) phone or in-house intercom. Yes, I will be unhappy about his action/decision for a long time.

I still spend most of my day pacing around boxes.

Tomorrow, I have an interview for a part-time graphic design job that includes small things like email generation, brochure design, etc. for a hair care company. Not something I am extremely excited about because it is very part-time hours a week but I do like the fact that it is close to home and, really, any sort of work is good. I'm kinda going batty here with no friends, no money, and no activity other than pacing around boxes I can't unpack yet in an unfinished house.

Mother is home from the hospital now, and is getting regular dialysis treatment close to her home. I spoke to her today on the phone and she was in somehwhat better spirit now. She is still recovering from the ordeals of the past week. I truly wish we could have someone come in to clean her house and walk her dogs. I can't do it and neither can she but I am accepting the fact that I can not do anything about it from here at this time.

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