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Friday, January 03, 2014

Dark. Cold. Wet.

So, yesterday, I posted an online status update that perhaps sounded much more woe-be-gone than I meant it to. 
It got me an invitation to lunch with a friend at her house, which I accepted and greatly enjoyed. I found her house for the first time and she had prepared a lovely tossed fresh green salad and home-made vegan lentil stew for us. Over lunch conversation, I learned we have many more ties than I previously thought. Near the end of my visit, I found out another friend of mine actually rents the shed behind her house, which he uses for a studio and shop to craft movie props and furniture. He came in just as I was ready to return home so we invited him in and had more great conversation about art, movie-making, aliens, government, religion, etc. I call it a good afternoon. 

Today has been spent spinning around in circles, mostly. As I write this, MonsterMustDie is home after a very successful treasure hunt in an estate sale. There is hot food on the stovetop, waiting for friends to join us for dinner, while MonsterMustDie's treasures are still sitting on the dining table just so he can show them off. 

I am now drinking hot gluhwein until dinner guests arrive. 

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